Sierra Vista Charter High School
Sierra Vista Charter HS
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Frequently Asked Questions

To answer some of your questions as quickly as possible, we’ve compiled a list of those most frequently asked by Sierra Vista parents. Be sure to read more throughout this website and in our student handbook, so that you’re well-informed and prepared to support your child through a successful educational journey.

How do I enroll my child at Sierra Vista Charter High School?

We welcome students who find a traditional high school setting challenging. Our curriculum meets the California standards for high school graduation, but students are able to complete these requirements through flexible scheduling and online courses. For more information about enrollment, please contact us.

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Is my child eligible for free or reduced lunch?

Yes, our students are eligible for free meals! To participate, parents must fill out an application, which is available on the TJUHSD Food Services page. We serve meals between 10:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. Staff members will notify students when they are serving meals so all students present have an opportunity to have lunch. Students must have their student ID cards to receive a meal.

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What is the dress code at SVCHS?

The district encourages students to dress appropriately for school and enforces a dress code for all high school students. Research shows that students' dress and appearance have an impact on student attitude and conduct, and that appropriate grooming and dress are a part of the learning process. We understand that students and their parents freely choose a style of dress that reflects the student's individuality, but we also believe that there are standards of appropriateness in grooming so as not to distract from the educational process. Please see the student handbook for detailed information about dress expectations.

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Does my child have access to the Internet while on campus?

We know how important it is for students to access the Internet for learning. We provide Internet access for students on our district-owned computers and devices; however, we require students to abide by our Acceptable Use Policy. For more information about expectations while on the web, read our student handbook.

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What is Aeries Parent Portal, and how do I get a username and password to use it?

Aeries Parent Portal is another way we keep communication between home and school strong. It provides you with almost real time access to your child’s grades, attendance history, and other important information. To receive your log-in information, please complete our online form. We also encourage you to download the free app available from iTunes or Google Play so this information is always at your fingertips.
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